To build Windows XP or 2003 32- bit first you need to make a Windows XP/2003 Oracle Virtual Machine. Mount a shared folder with the files in them. Also install the Services for UNIX. And the SFU SDK. Use the System Integrator XP or 2003 Source Kit with the 2003 DDK and Platform SDK and combine them using Windiff or SDKdiff.
- 1. Set the date to August 1st 2003 by typing 'date' in the cmd window
- 2. Make sure the files are not read only.
- 3. Install the 2003 SP1 driver certificate.
- 4. chdir to the 2003 root as admin.
- 5. type 'tools\razzle free offline'
- 6. type 'path tools\sp;%path%'
- 7. type 'tools\checktestroot.cmd and checktestca.cmd'
- 8. type 'perl tools\ -NOCLEANBUILD -NOSYNC -NOSCORCH'
- 9. type 'BUILD /ZP' after you fix errors
- 10. If you need to use 'expand /r' to X:\ENGLISH\WIN2003\ENT\I386\* C:\binaries.x86fre from a retail DVD.
- 11. certmgr.msc, go to Trusted Root Certification Authorities\Certificates and remove the Microsoft Test Root Authority certificate, Sign out and Sign in again.
You might want to download skunkware from SCO and try to build it in SFU in 32-bit Windows XP or 2003 for extra points.