Necessary Illusions

What role do the media play in a capitalist democracy? Based on the Massey Lectures,
delivered in Canada in November 1988, Necessary Illusions argues that, far from perfor-
ming a watchdog role, the «free press» serves the needs of those in power. With this book,
Chomsky rips away the mask of propaganda that portrays the media as advocates of free
speech and democracy:

In short, the major media are corporations «selling» privileged audiences to other busines-
ses.... Media concentration is high, and increasing. Furthermore, those who occupy mana-
gerial positions in the media...belong to the same privileged elites, and might be expected
to share the perceptions, aspirations, and attitudes of their associates, reflecting their
own class interests as well. Journalists entering the system are unlikely to make their way
unless they conform to these ideological pressures, generally by internalizing the values....
Those who fail to conform will be weeded out...