Possibly the Windows Team starts in the Hewlett Packard operating environment for OpenVMS or Digital's Gatekeeper from New Zealand's ftp.zx.net.nz World-Wide Web Server FTP Server, but who are you going to call? Start updating to x86. Start with the 95 Win32 SDK. Find the MAPI Sample. Install Azure DevOps which comes with the Education Hub on Azure. For Computer Science Majors or Alumni. With the default collection and a OS project. Named OS the path should be _git/OS
In Cygwin use:
wget -r --no-parent
to cache a directory
Intsall GitFVFS from GitHub to speed up the cloning and pushing of repositories.
You can read about the Windows Repo here: VFS for Git: Git at Enterprise Scale
Windows 10 Enterprise and Education You may want 10 2019 LTSC like me so you'll have until 2029.
Install Cygwin, the minimum Delev category and the latest JDK from Oracle. Clone the Java JDK from Github and install at least the Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools. All Devops projects should be in the _git directory.