In 1998 I bought the album 'Yield' By Pearl Jam, the book 'The Road Ahead' By Bill Gates and the book Ishmael by Danial Quinn. In the books including the Story of B and Beyond Civilization. Quinn talks about Population Law and in the Road Ahead Gates talks about finance. In 2003 I wrote congress about a population law to quit fighting wars. In Beyond Civilization Quinn talks about the analogy of living without celebrity. I'm leaving the autographed 'Ishmael' to Jonathan Shulman in my will for my cousin Anne Hathaway the hollywood actress 5th removed. Proven by Family Tree DNA. Or National Geographic. My uncle Curtis Hathaway went to Robert's funeral. Since 2024 I talk to Anne Hathaway on a weekly basis.
It is money and cash we need to defeater ate about. not all money are liquid assets. I met Quinn in 1999 at UVa my future Alma mater and he signed the book. Which I transferred in straight A's computer literacy and a 3.5 GPA in computer science and 2007 scholar award. Cash and money market are the best liquidity you will ever find as of now. I called the IRS in 2005 and a 1040 is the most you will ever get out of the IRS with schedules in 2018. I became a Royal Society of the Arts Fellow. I was also ACM vice president of the Wise, Va Chapter in college I tested as a INTJ or mastermind at the University of California. There has been a misdiagnoses at the local csb according to Hollins Communications. Which we're are seeking at Microsoft legal with a normal MRI with contrast. Still in review, may take five more years to review. My INTJ profile would receive a take down notice if it were online. With the help of the local Community Service Board. I pushed for an award to Forbes magazine for how many electronic devices per household about 21. According to China we will never run out of resources how ever it is climate change and we have prolonged the next ice age 100K years according to CNN. Also according to foreign affairs 1984 our society is zero sum. However there is the positive sum strategy and new social rank.theory. "This helps to achieve social cohesion. According to social rank theory, anxiety and depression are natural experiences that are common to all mammalian species. It is the pathological exaggeration of anxiety and depression that contributes to psychological disorders" In sociology.
COCOMO II was approved by the US Dept. of Defense to make source code capital in the 70's My grandfather fought in WWII. In the navy. I was approved for the system integrator program in 2002 under then Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. Later Microsoft Bizspark in 2009 and a Academic Grant in 2023. With letters of recommendation from Ballmer and Gates. I've paid Microsoft $30K including internet service over the years and would like Code Center Premium. I've had problems with east coast computer treat actors. I was taught that the top down approach is best; bottom up is more practical, but I don't believe in Linux just FreeBSD as a product. Linus Tervolds can keep Git.