Today I bought shares of Unisys corporation. The last software stock I'm baying. I bought 20 shares. I've also been editing Wikipedia for 10 years. and Beta Wiki for 13 years.
University of Califorinia
Today I invested in a University California Mutual Fund from my initial investment was $500. I did test as a INTJ-T at UC Fullerton. I would like my computer science degree after all the damage the state of Virginia caused me after 2000 and to be called a star or celebrity. And my BONIC account since 2002.
The Intervening State
The increasing interest in the genetic causes of mental disorders may
exacerbate existing stigma if negative beliefs about a genetic illness
are generally accepted. China’s history of policy-level eugenics and
genetic discrimination in the workplace suggests that Chinese
communities will view genetic mental illness less favorably than mental
illness with non-genetic causes. The aim of this study is to identify
differences between Chinese Americans and European Americans in eugenic
beliefs and stigma toward people with genetic mental illness.
Please read the Royal Society of the Arts Journal
After I was hospitalized in 2021 a few local hospital executives were fired by RSA. Because I claimed domestic security in my home.
After further research eugenics is bad science according to Princeton University.
X-Matches is a better way to go.
LEO-II and Satallax on the Sledgehammer test bench
Sledgehammer is a tool that harnesses external first-order automatic theorem provers (ATPs) to discharge interactive proof obligations arising in Isabelle/HOL. We extended it with LEO-II and Satallax, the two most prominent higher-order ATPs, improving its performance on higher-order problems. To explore their usefulness, these ATPs are measured against first-order ATPs and built-in Isabelle tactics on a variety of benchmarks from Isabelle and the TPTP library. Sledgehammer provides an ideal test bench for individual features of LEO-II and Satallax, revealing areas for improvements.
LEO II Download https://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/cbenzmueller/leo/download.html
Formalization, Mechanization and Automation of Gödel's Proof of God's Existence
" Gödel's ontological proof has been analysed for the first-time with an
unprecedent degree of detail and formality with the help of higher-order
theorem provers. The following has been done (and in this order): A
detailed natural deduction proof. A formalization of the axioms,
definitions and theorems in the TPTP THF syntax. Automatic verification
of the consistency of the axioms and definitions with Nitpick. Automatic
demonstration of the theorems with the provers LEO-II and Satallax. A
step-by-step formalization using the Coq proof assistant. A
formalization using the Isabelle proof assistant, where the theorems
(and some additional lemmata) have been automated with Sledgehammer and
Building Netbeans at HPE
In 2019. I was given access to HP's FTP server with I cached in collage all I got done after all my course work was building Netbeans 8.1 with java and ant in contract with HPE. I'm still working with that contract it has no expiration date. Neatbeans uses XML to build java and the internet. There are about 75 projects in the Netbeans build. In older versions the 'build.xml' file is at the the root of the directory and uses Apache Ant. Today it's built in the nbbuild directory It's my belief that Visual Studio is Oracle Developer Studio or it's more liberal counterpart Oracle now Apache Netbeans. Stemming back from Visual Studio 4.0 for Alpha, MIPS and x86. You can also use SharpDevelop from Oracle I'm also still working my the 2003 SCO contract with 2003 which was probably finished with Vista but I had to go to college.I have until 2029 with SCO and Microsoft. I personally build netbeans with netbeans I build 8.1 with 8.0 and just ran the build target from within netbeans.
MS-DOS and Windows 3.1
Lately I've been building MS-DOS and remember a self extracting Windows 3.1 for workgroups file that gives me all of the files not in a floppy but in a self extracting executable to just record onto CD-R or CD-RW and move into my MS-DOS installation. The file is 'en_wfw311.exe' and is subscription only. You also need the Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions 1.25. Theoretically you can find all of the 3.1 source from old samples and NT4/2000/2003 source. All of this old software I visualize in virtual machines.
"Source code for Windows 286/386/3.1 can be found with the leaked NT 4.0 source in ~\private\mvdm\wow16\kernel31
The VAD tree: A process-eye view of physical memory
This paper describes the use of the Virtual Address Descriptor (VAD) tree structure in Windows memory dumps to help guide forensic analysis of Windows memory. We describe how to locate and parse the structure, and show its value in breaking up physical memory into more manageable and semantically meaningful units than can be obtained by simply walking the page directory for the process. Several tools to display information about the VAD tree and dump the memory regions it describes will also be presentedStabilizing the Higgs potential with a Z′
Current data point toward metastability of the electroweak vacuum within the Standard Model. We study the possibility of stabilizing the Higgs potential in U(1) extensions thereof. A generic Z′ boson improves stability of the scalar potential in two ways: it increases the Higgs self-coupling, due to a positive contribution to the beta-function of the latter, and it decreases the top quark Yukawa coupling, which again has a stabilizing effect. We determine the range of U(1) charges which leads to a stable electroweak vacuum. In certain classes of models, such stabilization is possible even if the Z′ does not couple to the Higgs and is due entirely to the reduction of the top Yukawa coupling. We also study the effect of the kinetic mixing between the extra U(1) and hypercharge gauge fields.
Monogamy and Human Evolution
“Monogamy is a problem,” said Dieter Lukas of the University of Cambridge in a telephone news conference last week. As Dr. Lukas explained to reporters, he and other biologists consider monogamy an evolutionary puzzle.
In 9 percent of all mammal species, males and females will share a common territory for more than one breeding season, and in some cases bond for life. This is a problem — a scientific one — because male mammals could theoretically have more offspring by giving up on monogamy and mating with lots of females.
In a new study, Dr. Lukas and his colleague Tim Clutton-Brock suggest that monogamy evolves when females spread out, making it hard for a male to travel around and fend off competing males.
On the same day, Kit Opie of University College London and his colleagues published a similar study on primates, which are especially monogamous — males and females bond in over a quarter of primate species. The London scientists came to a different conclusion: that the threat of infanticide leads males to stick with only one female, protecting her from other males.
Even with the scientific problem far from resolved, research like this inevitably turns us into narcissists. It’s all well and good to understand why the gray-handed night monkey became monogamous. But we want to know: What does this say about men and women?
As with all things concerning the human heart, it’s complicated.
“The human mating system is extremely flexible,” Bernard Chapais of the University of Montreal wrote in a recent review in Evolutionary Anthropology. Only 17 percent of human cultures are strictly monogamous. The vast majority of human societies embrace a mix of marriage types, with some people practicing monogamy and others polygamy. (Most people in these cultures are in monogamous marriages, though.)
There are even some societies where a woman may marry several men. And some men and women have secret relationships that last for years while they’re married to other people, a kind of dual monogamy. Same-sex marriages acknowledge commitments that in many cases existed long before they won legal recognition.
Each species faces its own special challenges — the climate where it lives, or the food it depends on, or the predators that stalk it — and certain conditions may favor monogamy despite its drawbacks. One source of clues to the origin of human mating lies in our closest relatives, chimpanzees and bonobos. They live in large groups where the females mate with lots of males when they’re ovulating. Male chimpanzees will fight with each other for the chance to mate, and they’ve evolved to produce extra sperm to increase their chances that they get to father a female’s young.
"Our own ancestors split off from the ancestors of chimpanzees about seven million years ago. Fossils may offer us some clues to how our mating systems evolved after that parting of ways. The hormone levels that course through monogamous primates are different from those of other species, possibly because the males aren’t in constant battle for females.
That difference in hormones influences how primates grow in some remarkable ways. For example, the ratio of their finger lengths is different.
In 2011, Emma Nelson of the University of Liverpool and her colleagues looked at the finger bones of ancient hominid fossils. From what they found, they concluded that hominids 4.4 million years ago mated with many females. By about 3.5 million years ago, however, the finger-length ratio indicated that hominids had shifted more toward monogamy.
Our lineage never evolved to be strictly monogamous. But even in polygamous relationships, individual men and women formed long-term bonds — a far cry from the arrangement in chimpanzees.
While the two new studies published last week disagree about the force driving the evolution of monogamy, they do agree on something important. “Once monogamy has evolved, then male care is far more likely,” Dr. Opie said.
Once a monogamous primate father starts to stick around, he has the opportunity to raise the odds that his offspring will survive. He can carry them, groom their fur and protect them from attacks.
In our own lineage, however, fathers went further. They had evolved the ability to hunt and scavenge meat, and they were supplying some of that food to their children. “They may have gone beyond what is normal for monogamous primates,” said Dr. Opie.
The extra supply of protein and calories that human children started to receive is widely considered a watershed moment in our evolution. It could explain why we have brains far bigger than other mammals.
Brains are hungry organs, demanding 20 times more calories than a similar piece of muscle. Only with a steady supply of energy-rich meat, Dr. Opie suggests, were we able to evolve big brains — and all the mental capacities that come with it.
Because of monogamy, Dr. Opie said, “This could be how humans were able to push through a ceiling in terms of brain size.”
Copyright 2013 The New York Times Company. Reprinted with permission.
Developmental venous anomalies: appearance on whole-brain CT digital subtraction angiography and CT perfusion
Developmental venous anomalies (DVA) consist of dilated intramedullary veins that converge into a large collecting vein. The appearance of these anomalies was evaluated on whole-brain computed tomography (CT) digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and CT perfusion (CTP) studies.
Falling in love is associated with immune system gene regulation
Although falling in love is one of the most important and psychologically potent events in human life, the somatic implications of new romantic love remain poorly understood. Psychological, immunological, and reproductive perspectives offer competing predictions of the specific transcriptional regulatory shifts that might accompany the experience of falling in love. To characterize the impact of romantic love on human genome function, we conducted genome-wide transcriptome profiling of 115 circulating immune cell samples collected from 47 young women over the course of a 2-year longitudinal study. Analyses revealed a selective alteration in immune cell gene regulation characterized by up-regulation of Type I interferon response genes associated with CD1C+/BDCA-1+ dendritic cells (DCs) and CLEC4C+/BDCA-2+ DCs, and a reciprocal down-regulation of α-defensin-related transcripts associated with neutrophil granulocytes. These effects emerged above and beyond the effects of changes in illness, perceived social isolation, and sexual contact. These findings are consistent with a selective up-regulation of innate immune responses to viral infections (e.g., Type I interferons and DC) and with DC facilitation of sexual reproduction, and provide insight into the immunoregulatory correlates of one of the keystone experiences in human life.
Consciousness in the universe A review of the ‘Orch OR ’theory
The nature of consciousness, the mechanism by which it occurs in the brain, and its ultimate place in the universe are unknown. We proposed in the mid 1990's that consciousness depends on biologically ‘orchestrated’ coherent quantum processes in collections of microtubules within brain neurons, that these quantum processes correlate with, and regulate, neuronal synaptic and membrane activity, and that the continuous Schrödinger evolution of each such process terminates in accordance with the specific Diósi–Penrose (DP) scheme of ‘objective reduction’ (‘OR’) of the quantum state. This orchestrated OR activity (‘Orch OR’) is taken to result in moments of conscious awareness and/or choice. The DP form of OR is related to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and space–time geometry, so Orch OR suggests that there is a connection between the brain's biomolecular processes and the basic structure of the universe. Here we review Orch OR in light of criticisms and developments in quantum biology, neuroscience, physics and cosmology. We also introduce a novel suggestion of ‘beat frequencies’ of faster microtubule vibrations as a possible source of the observed electro-encephalographic (‘EEG’) correlates of consciousness. We conclude that consciousness plays an intrinsic role in the universe.
Mandelbrot Set
"According to Clarke, "the Mandelbrot set is indeed one of the most astonishing discoveries in the entire history of mathematics. Who could have dreamed that such an incredibly simple equation could have generated images of literally infinite complexity?" Clarke also notes an "odd coincidence":"
Mandelbrot emphasized the use of fractals as realistic and useful models for describing many "rough" phenomena in the real world. He concluded that "real roughness is often fractal and can be measured."[9]: 296 Although Mandelbrot coined the term "fractal", some of the mathematical objects he presented in The Fractal Geometry of Nature had been previously described by other mathematicians. Before Mandelbrot, however, they were regarded as isolated curiosities with unnatural and non-intuitive properties. Mandelbrot brought these objects together for the first time and turned them into essential tools for the long-stalled effort to extend the scope of science to explaining non-smooth, "rough" objects in the real world. His methods of research were both old and new:
The form of geometry I increasingly favored is the oldest, most concrete, and most inclusive, specifically empowered by the eye and helped by the hand and, today, also by the computer ... bringing an element of unity to the worlds of knowing and feeling ... and, unwittingly, as a bonus, for the purpose of creating beauty.[9]: 292
Fractals are also found in human pursuits, such as music, painting, architecture, and stock market prices. Mandelbrot believed that fractals, far from being unnatural, were in many ways more intuitive and natural than the artificially smooth objects of traditional Euclidean geometry:
Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line.
—Mandelbrot, in his introduction to The Fractal Geometry of Nature
It's also known as God's footprint
Formalization, Mechanization and Automation of G¨odel’s Proof of God’s Existence
"Gödel's ontological proof has been analysed for the first-time with an unprecedent degree of detail and formality with the help of higher-order theorem provers. The following has been done (and in this order): A detailed natural deduction proof. A formalization of the axioms, definitions and theorems in the TPTP THF syntax. Automatic verification of the consistency of the axioms and definitions with Nitpick. Automatic demonstration of the theorems with the provers LEO-II and Satallax. A step-by-step formalization using the Coq proof assistant. A formalization using the Isabelle proof assistant, where the theorems (and some additional lemmata) have been automated with Sledgehammer and Metis"
Exponential complexity and ontological theories of quantum mechanics
"Ontological theories of quantum mechanics describe a single system by means of well-defined classical variables and attribute the quantum uncertainties to our ignorance about the underlying reality represented by these variables. We consider the general class of ontological theories describing a quantum system by a set of variables with Markovian (either deterministic or stochastic) evolution. We provide proof that the number of continuous variables cannot be smaller than 2N−2, N being the Hilbert-space dimension. Thus, any ontological Markovian theory of quantum mechanics requires a number of variables which grows exponentially with the physical size. This result is relevant also in the framework of quantum Monte Carlo methods."
Calculating Infinity: The Paradox Of Moore's Law
" Moore’s law – the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every 18 to 24 months – is a projection and not a physical or natural law. Nonetheless, it has proved accurate for several decades, and has been used in the semiconductor industry to guide long-term planning and to set targets for research and development.
Many advances in digital electronics are strongly linked to Moore’s law: examples are quality-adjusted microprocessor prices, memory capacity, sensors and even the number and size of pixels in digital cameras.
But can this continue indefinitely? Intel stated in 2015 that the pace of advancement has slowed, starting at the 22nm feature width around 2012, and continuing at 14nm. However, in April 2016, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich stated that “In my 34 years in the semiconductor industry, I have witnessed the advertised death of Moore’s Law no less than four times. As we progress from 14nm technology to 10nm and plan for 7nm and 5nm and even beyond, our plans are proof that Moore’s Law is alive and well”.
Physical limits
Silicon-based technologies have nearly reached the physical limits of the number and size of transistors that can be crammed into one chip, while alternative technologies are still far from mass implementation. Down-scaling transistor size is more than an engineering challenge, as there is fundamental physics to consider.
Moore’s law would come to an end because transistors are as small as atoms and cannot be shrunk any further. To address this, fundamentally new concepts for electronics would be needed to produce commercially viable alternatives which meet demands for ever-growing computing power. Moore’s Law may become exhausted eventually unless new technologies come along that will lend it leash.
“The whole semiconductor industry wants to keep Moore’s Law going. We need better performing transistors as we continue down-scaling, and transistors based on silicon won’t give us improvements anymore,” said Heinz Schmid, a researcher with IBM Research GmbH at Zurich Research Laboratory in Switzerland.
Compound semiconductor materials
Schmid’s Zurich-based team with support from colleagues in Yorktown Heights, New York has developed a relatively simple, robust and versatile process for growing crystals made from compound semiconductor materials that will allow them be integrated onto silicon wafers – an important step toward making future computer chips that will allow integrated circuits to continue shrinking in size and cost even as they increase in performance.
The IBM team has fabricated single crystal nanostructures, such as nanowires, nanostructures containing constrictions, and cross junctions, as well as 3-D stacked nanowires, made with so-called III–V materials. Made from alloys of indium, gallium and arsenide, III-V semiconductors are seen as a possible future material for computer chips, but only if they can be successfully integrated onto silicon. So far efforts at integration have not been very successful.
The new crystals were grown using an approach called template-assisted selective epitaxy (TASE) using metal organic chemical vapour deposition, which basically starts from a small area and evolves into a much larger, defect-free crystal. This approach allowed them to lithographically define oxide templates and fill them via epitaxy, in the end making nanowires, cross junctions, nanostructures containing constrictions and 3-D stacked nanowires using the already established scaled processes of Si technology.
“What sets this work apart from other methods is that the compound semiconductor does not contain detrimental defects, and that the process is fully compatible with current chip fabrication technology,” said Schmid. “Importantly the method is also economically viable.”
Spin not charge
One promising approach to developing new technologies is to exploit the electron’s tiny magnetic moment, or ‘spin’. Electrons have two properties – charge and spin – and although current technologies use charge, it is thought that spin-based technologies have the potential to outperform the “charge-based” technology of semiconductors for the storage and process of information.
Scientists from University College London (UCL) have discovered a new method to efficiently generate and control currents based on the magnetic nature of electrons in semi-conducting materials, offering a radical way to develop a new generation of electronic devices.
In order to utilise electron spins for electronics, or ‘spintronics’, the method of electrically generating and detecting spins needs to be efficient so the devices can process the spin information with low-power consumption. One way to achieve this is by the spin-Hall effect, which is being researched by scientists who are keen to understand the mechanisms of the effect, but also which materials optimise its efficiency. If research into this effect is successful, it will open the door to new technologies.
The spin-Hall effect helps generate ‘spin currents’ which enable spin information transfer without the flow of electric charge currents. Unlike other concepts that harness electrons, spin current can transfer information without causing heat from the electric charge, which – as mentioned above – is a serious problem for current semiconductor devices. Effective use of spins generated by the spin-Hall effect can also revolutionise spin-based memory applications.
The scientists have reported a 40-times-larger effect than previously achieved in semiconductor materials, with the largest value measured comparable to a record high value of the spin-Hall effect observed in heavy metals such as platinum. This demonstrates that future spintronics might not need to rely on expensive, rare, heavy metals for efficiency, but relatively cheap materials can be used to process spin information with low-power consumption.
Touch and Go
Overall, perpetuating Moore’s Law in the foreseeable future will require the development of disruptive technologies which take the electronics industry beyond its silicon comfort zone. Whether these can be developed in time for Moore’s Law to be maintained in the immediate future is touch and go, but even if not, there is no reason why it could not resume in the future"Sphinx Logic A Microsoft Gold Partner. Now HPE
After graduating the Royal Society of the Arts this month I'm starting out on a new endeavor. A Shared Source Print Magazine. It it eventually will be a service in Microsoft's App Source and Apple News Stand. Our only competition currently in the world is the Green Coffee Agency. Starting out in Southwest Virginia. I'm summing up my family net worth with my father and what I've spent my time on the internet and on my computer the last 30 years. Also a UVA-Wise ISS Downlink. My favorite Professor was Arbar Qureshi Windows Server 2003 released on my birthday April 24th. and a famous reference source case at Microsoft.
- Microsoft MSDN Subscriptions x6 they contain all of Microsoft client and server software plus development kits and acquired shared source, dating back to MS-DOS.
- Apple MacOS X Panther, Snow Leopard and Lion.
- Autodesk Subscriptions x5 they contain all creator software. For games and film dating back to the original Autocad.
- Adobe Subscriptions x6 they contain all Illustration, graphic design, photography and publishing for print. Dating bate to Photoshop 5.5 and Macromedia Freehand 8.
- The hardware over the years has cost about $30,000
- The Macromedia licensed patent portfolio is valued at about $8 million.
- Ran a successful Non-Employee Group out of San Fransisco, California for Macromedia from 1999-2005.
- Revived National Science Foundation Grants for BOINC from 2002-present.
- The HPE OpenVMS acquired shared source and IA64, Alpha and VAX.
- The Shared Source System Integrator contract with Microsoft includes Windows NT 4.0,2000, XP, .NET Server. And we are 1 and 150 in the world. Project OZ, Compact Embedded Shared Source versions, NT Curriculum. And research kernel for XP.
- Corporate university relations for Microsoft, Apple, Novell and IBM.
- The internet and cable starting with Charter owned by AT&T which I've paid for 35 years.
- My RSA Fellowship which I've paid for for 8 years.
- My Social Media archives since 2008 or Microsoft collaborate knowledge work.
- We've received Grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at the Tennessee Applied Center for Technology, in 1999, Microsoft Bizspark 2009-2019 and Academic Azure Grant from 2023- present.
- I'm Windows Internals, and 2003 Environment Certified and a University of Virginia Computer Science Graduate. With a 3.5 GPA Scholar Award and a ACT score of 24. I was UVa-Wise ACM Vice President of the Wise Chapter from 2009-2013. Member of the Microsoft MSDN Academic Alliance from 2001-2009 at the ACM.
- My Microsoft 2008 SQL Server sales award.
- On my Royal Society of the Arts application is helped discover the Higgs Boson with BOINC and was accepted by then CEO Mathew Taylor.
- Started SETI in 2002 with BOINC
- My future Intel Partnership and Sponsor of my own Operating System.
- A financial gift to the University of Washington.
- A 2012 80 GB Zune Microsoft gift from Microsoft's Jonathan Chang.
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise $1 million dollar contract.the must be supported by local law enforcement.
- Support the FreeBSD Foundation.
If the media needs proof just ask me.
My fathers contribution was his home, helped my on my credit Christmas, birthdays and groceries and thanks to my family at Eastman Chemical, The Freemason living across the street. and family in California and New York.. Looking for more shared source opportunities at Microsoft. I am a Windows seat at the .NET Foundation. I've paid my bills on time for 26 years. My family home is in Lowery Hills in Bristol, Va. I live downtown Abingdon, Va across the street from the state theater.
During my RSA Fellowship I discovered. I
have 7 hereditary titles in my family. I reported to the NIH about
leukemia in America and requested economic sanctions against the Biden
administration for economic terrorism at the state department. As the NIH dropped funding for the DSM-V. Reported
the college board to the United Nations for the Microsoft Academic
Program in 2001 for Windows 2000 source code and the Sept 11th bombings,
War in Afghanistan and war in the Ukraine. Also the United States
Governments break fix contracts. Reported Forbes Magazine to award them
in journalism Office of the Federal Chief Sustainability Officer. I'm a member of the federalist party. I support UNESCO. My grandfather
fraught in WWII in the US Navy. Boehm made source code capital. I support the journalist Carl Zimmer. I do not support the new cultural reset Microsoft 'Sun Valley' I'm on Windows 10 2019 LTSC until 2029. Also until the national interest reports on WWIII.
I've had problems with computer threat actors ever since I moved to Abingdon, Va in 2013, Filing a legitimate IRS form 1065 as a Microsoft Partner in 2011 with intangibles, People trying to steal my Microsoft Tender Offer in 2006. I have filed as dept of Virginia Housing discrimination lawsuit at Microsoft legal as a Royal Society of the Arts Fellow. And a Southwest Virginia psychosis diagnosis with cases pending at Microsoft legal. I do not support the church, basketball or football anymore because I haven't had a child and I'm 46. It's all a conspiracy for wealthy individuals to give back to there community after living in a home for 15 years. It's all about a 22 year old having a baby. That's just not evolution according to science. England used to have estates before WWII And Art Decko. Before the Beatles and James Taylor. We'll see what happens in 2029 or WWIII. I get a new drivers license in 2029.
I'm currently a Partner with Hewlett Packard Enterprise.which includes a Microsoft Partnership also in the Fidelity Money Market.
Project MICA
MICA was the codename of the operating system developed for the DEC PRISM architecture.[1] MICA was designed by a team at Digital Equipment Corporation led by Dave Cutler.[2] MICA's design was driven by Digital's need to provide a migration path to PRISM for Digital's VAX/VMS customers, as well as allowing PRISM systems to compete in the increasingly important Unix market.[3] MICA attempted to address these requirements by implementing VMS and ULTRIX user interfaces on top of a common kernel that could support the system calls (or "system services" in VMS parlance), libraries and utilities needed for both environments.[4]
MICA was cancelled in 1988 along with the PRISM architecture, before either project was complete. MICA is most notable for inspiring the design of Windows NT.[2] When the PRISM architecture evolved into the DEC Alpha architecture, Digital opted to port OSF/1 and VMS to Alpha instead of reusing MICA.[5]
Design goals
The original goal for MICA was that all applications would have full and interchangeable access to both the VMS and ULTRIX interfaces, and that a user could choose to log in to an ULTRIX or VMS environment, and run any MICA application from either environment.[6] However, it proved to be impossible to provide both full ULTRIX and full VMS compatibility to the same application at the same time, and Digital scrapped this plan in favour of having a separate Unix operating system based on OSF/1 (this was variously referred to as PRISM ULTRIX or OZIX).[7] As a result, MICA would have served as a portable implementation of a VMS-like operating system, with compatible implementations of DCL, RMS, Files-11, VAXclusters, and the VAX/VMS RTLs and system services. Proposals were made for reinstating Unix compatibility in MICA on a per-application basis so that a MICA application could be compiled and linked against the VMS interfaces, or the ULTRIX interfaces, but not both simultaneously.[8]
Due to scheduling concerns, the first PRISM systems would have been delivered with restricted subsets of the full MICA operating system. This included systems such as Cheyenne and Glacier which were dedicated to running specific applications, and where direct interaction with the operating system by customers would be limited.[9]
Digital Equipment Corporation
"Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC /dɛk/), using the trademark Digital, was a major American company in the computer industry from the 1960s to the 1990s. The company was co-founded by Ken Olsen and Harlan Anderson in 1957. Olsen was president until he was forced to resign in 1992, after the company had gone into precipitous decline.
The company produced many different product lines over its history. It is best known for the work in the minicomputer market starting in the mid-1960s. The company produced a series of machines known as the PDP line, with the PDP-8 and PDP-11 being among the most successful minis in history. Their success was only surpassed by another DEC product, the late-1970s VAX "supermini" systems that were designed to replace the PDP-11. Although a number of competitors had successfully competed with Digital through the 1970s, the VAX cemented the company's place as a leading vendor in the computer space.
As microcomputers improved in the late 1980s, especially with the introduction of RISC-based workstation machines, the performance niche of the minicomputer was rapidly eroded. By the early 1990s, the company was in turmoil as their mini sales collapsed and their attempts to address this by entering the high-end market with machines like the VAX 9000 were market failures. After several attempts to enter the workstation and file server market, the DEC Alpha product line began to make successful inroads in the mid-1990s, but was too late to save the company.
DEC was acquired in June 1998 by Compaq in what was at that time the largest merger
in the history of the computer industry. During the purchase, some
parts of DEC were sold to other companies; the compiler business and the
Hudson Fab were sold to Intel. At the time, Compaq was focused on the enterprise market
and had recently purchased several other large vendors. DEC was a major
player overseas where Compaq had less presence. However, Compaq had
little idea what to do with its acquisitions,[1][2] and soon found itself in financial difficulty of its own. Compaq subsequently merged with Hewlett-Packard (HP) in May 2002"--Taken from Wikipedia
Windows Embedded
I started with Platform Builder 3.0 17 CD Disc Set. I made a Windows CE phone in Tennessee. in 1999. I bought Windows XP Embedded in 2004 a MSDN Subscription.and used my system integrator contract to build XP and .NET Server from source and generate project 'mantis' the SDL files in project 'mantis' could be used in Windows Embedded 2009 which is the same revision 6000 as the contract.
Jazz Computer
"The Jazz computer architecture is a motherboard and chipset design originally developed by Microsoft for use in developing Windows NT. The design was eventually used as the basis for most MIPS-based Windows NT systems.
In part because Microsoft intended NT to be portable between various microprocessor architectures, the MIPS RISC architecture was chosen for one of the first development platforms for the NT project in the late 1980s/early 1990s. However, around 1990, the existing MIPS-based systems (such as the Turbo channel-equipped DECstation or the SGI Indigo) varied drastically from standard Intel personal computers such as the IBM AT—for example, neither used the ISA bus so common in Intel 386-class machines.
For those and other reasons, Microsoft decided to design their own MIPS-based hardware platform on which to develop NT, which resulted in the Jazz architecture. Later, Microsoft sold this architecture design to the MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. where it became the MIPS Magnum.
The Jazz architecture includes:
- a MIPS R4000/R4400 or compatible microprocessor
- an EISA bus
- a framebuffer for video output (the G364 framebuffer)
- PS/2 connectors for mouse and keyboard
- a floppy-disk controller
- onboard 16-bit sound system
- onboard National Semiconductor SONIC Ethernet
- onboard NCR 53C9x SCSI chipset for hard disk and CD-ROM interface
- standard IBM AT serial and parallel ports
- IBM AT-style time-of-year clock
This design was simple enough and powerful enough that a majority of Windows NT-capable MIPS systems were based on modified versions of the Jazz architecture. A list of systems which more or less were based on Jazz includes:
- MIPS Magnum (R4000 PC-50 and SC-50 versions)
- Acer PICA – uses S3 video card
- Olivetti M700 – has different video and sound system
- NEC RISCstation – Jazz with PCI
The Jazz systems were designed to partially comply with the Advanced RISC Computing (ARC) standard, and each used the ARC firmware to boot Windows NT. Other operating systems were also ported to various Jazz implementations, such as RISC/os to the MIPS Magnum.
There were also some MIPS systems designed to run Windows NT and comply with the ARC standard, but nevertheless were not based on the Jazz platform:
- DeskStation Tyne
- NeTpower FASTseries Falcon
- Siemens-Nixdorf RM-200, RM-300 and RM-400" Taken from Wikipedia
DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) Manuals
Berkeley UNIX moves to Walnut Creek
I had a MIPS SGI Octane with 3dLabs graphics card in 1998 running NetBSD, FreeBSD and Windows NT. I also had a IBM Aptiva. In 2000 I worked on SELinux on the NSA mailing list.
Hewlwett Packard Operating Environment.
Possibly the Windows Team starts in the Hewlett Packard operating environment for OpenVMS or Digital's Gatekeeper from New Zealand's ftp.zx.net.nz World-Wide Web Server FTP Server, but who are you going to call? Start updating to x86. Start with the 95 Win32 SDK. Find the MAPI Sample. Install Azure DevOps which comes with the Education Hub on Azure. For Computer Science Majors or Alumni. With the default collection and a OS project. Named OS the path should be _git/OS
In Cygwin use:
wget -r --no-parent
to cache a directory
Intsall GitFVFS from GitHub to speed up the cloning and pushing of repositories.
You can read about the Windows Repo here: VFS for Git: Git at Enterprise Scale
Windows 10 Enterprise and Education You may want 10 2019 LTSC like me so you'll have until 2029.
Install Cygwin, the minimum Delev category and the latest JDK from Oracle. Clone the Java JDK from Github and install at least the Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools. All Devops projects should be in the _git directory.
Global Sustainability
In 1998 I bought the album 'Yield' By Pearl Jam, the book 'The Road Ahead' By Bill Gates and the book Ishmael by Danial Quinn. In the books including the Story of B and Beyond Civilization. Quinn talks about Population Law and in the Road Ahead Gates talks about finance. In 2003 I wrote congress about a population law to quit fighting wars. In Beyond Civilization Quinn talks about the analogy of living without celebrity. I'm leaving the autographed 'Ishmael' to Jonathan Shulman in my will for my cousin Anne Hathaway the hollywood actress 5th removed. Proven by Family Tree DNA. Or National Geographic. My uncle Curtis Hathaway went to Robert's funeral. Since 2024 I talk to Anne Hathaway on a weekly basis.
It is money and cash we need to defeater ate about. not all money are liquid assets. I met Quinn in 1999 at UVa my future Alma mater and he signed the book. Which I transferred in straight A's computer literacy and a 3.5 GPA in computer science and 2007 scholar award. Cash and money market are the best liquidity you will ever find as of now. I called the IRS in 2005 and a 1040 is the most you will ever get out of the IRS with schedules in 2018. I became a Royal Society of the Arts Fellow. I was also ACM vice president of the Wise, Va Chapter in college I tested as a INTJ or mastermind at the University of California. There has been a misdiagnoses at the local csb according to Hollins Communications. Which we're are seeking at Microsoft legal with a normal MRI with contrast. Still in review, may take five more years to review. My INTJ profile would receive a take down notice if it were online. With the help of the local Community Service Board. I pushed for an award to Forbes magazine for how many electronic devices per household about 21. According to China we will never run out of resources how ever it is climate change and we have prolonged the next ice age 100K years according to CNN. Also according to foreign affairs 1984 our society is zero sum. However there is the positive sum strategy and new social rank.theory. "This helps to achieve social cohesion. According to social rank theory, anxiety and depression are natural experiences that are common to all mammalian species. It is the pathological exaggeration of anxiety and depression that contributes to psychological disorders" In sociology.
COCOMO II was approved by the US Dept. of Defense to make source code capital in the 70's My grandfather fought in WWII. In the navy. I was approved for the system integrator program in 2002 under then Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. Later Microsoft Bizspark in 2009 and a Academic Grant in 2023. With letters of recommendation from Ballmer and Gates. I've paid Microsoft $30K including internet service over the years and would like Code Center Premium. I've had problems with east coast computer treat actors. I was taught that the top down approach is best; bottom up is more practical, but I don't believe in Linux just FreeBSD as a product. Linus Tervolds can keep Git.
Building MS-DOS
MS-DOS Source
MS-DOS 1.25 was published on GitHub MS-DOS 1.25 was completely written in 8086 assembly so it needs to be assembled using an assembler (MASM and SCP 8086 Assembler). The object file(s) produced by MASM will then be linked to produce an executable which will then be converted to a raw binary executable (.COM). The .HEX files produced by SCP 8086 Assembler will be converted directly to raw .COM files using the HEX2BIN utility.
2. How to Make DOS?
This is as hard as the source code for the DOS BIOS (IO.SYS) was designed for Virtual Box and is not PC-compatible. Theoretically, the compiled binaries should work on Virtual Box but using the source code release by Microsoft alone will not produce a valid bootable disk as no source code for the boot sector is given. I do have access to the source code of the boot sector but as a result of Microsoft not releasing it publicly, I will not share it. This basically means with only the source code published by Microsoft, it is impossible to produce a working copy of MS-DOS 1.25.
3. What is Required
The following is required for compiling MS-DOS 1.25:
- Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM)
- Microsoft 8086 Object Linker (LINK)
- EXE to Binary Conversion Utility (EXE2BIN)
- Seattle Computer Products 8086 Assembler (ASM)
- HEX to Binary Conversion Utility (HEX2BIN)
- A copy of the MS-DOS 1.25 source code
4. Details
The files STDDOS.ASM and MSDOS.ASM can be assembled to produce the DOS kernel and they are MASM compatible. All switches are set in the file STDDOS.ASM. MSVER generates binaries for MS-DOS with Microsoft copyright strings, IBM produces IBM PC-DOS binaries with IBM copyright strings. There is no need to change HIMEM and DSKTEST unless you want to experiment more with it.
COMMAND.ASM can be assembled using MASM to produce the command interpreter for MS-DOS. Just like the DOS kernel, you may use switches to produce both MS-DOS and IBM PC-DOS binaries. The HIMEM switch is also present.
ASM.ASM, HEX2BIN.ASM, IO.ASM and TRANS.ASM were written by SCP and must be assembled using their own assembler. IO.ASM have switches to configure the floppy disk controller and the Cromemco 4FDC is currently supported by The SIMH Altair 8800 Z80 simulator.
5. Compile It
Now, we are ready to compile MS-DOS 1.25 for the first time! If you are experienced in assembly, used those assemblers and tools listed above, then you should be able to get everything done by yourself. For those unable to assemble it on their own, my build disk will save your time.
Here is how to build MS-DOS 1.25 with the build disk:
Download the build disk here
Create a new virtual machine using your favorite emulator or hypervisor.
Add a floppy drive, load the build disk.
Start the virtual machine (it should boot from the build disk).
Check the filenames using the DIR command and it should return:
Type in MK
You may want to try DR-DOS 7.03 from Caldera Licensing or Novell DR-DOS 7.0 from 1999 a updated from MS-DOS as the operating system stayed up to date until 2011 at Novell. and fetch the latest Perl distribution from the NT Sources Perl distribution and start DOS Globbing. I'm working on a Alpha, VAX or MIPS server and I hope I can boot something from the
- MIPS/NT allied at birth
- Windows NT and VMS: The Rest of the Story
- Visual Studio 2019 Compatibility
- The history of change-packing tools at Microsoft (so far)
- Random internal Windows terminology: IDW, Razzle, and their forgotten partners IDS and Dazzle
- Microsoft turns over all Win7 and server source code to Russia's new KGB
The ECMA 335 & 336 Standard started in 2002 and 2006 and worked on FreeBSD before Linux The .NET Framework work begain in 1998 with the COM SDK and the Next Generation Web Services SDK. Here is the documentation for it. The archive can be found on Github Advanced Computer Science Teaching with the SSCLI is a SSCLI Powerpoint. The Common Language Infrastructure Annotated Standard The .NET Framework 3.5 is in support until 2029.
Building Windows 2003
Internal Developer Server or Workstation for Windows Server 2003
The Official Build Number of the XP/2003 source is 5.1.2600.6000
Make a Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Server 2003 or 2003 R2 Virtual Machine with SFU for 2003 and SUA for 2003 R2. Your UNIX source should go in SFU or SUA usr->src directory AT&T System V or SCO V5 or V6 is fine.
If you need to use 'expand /r' to X:\ENGLISH\WIN2003\ENT\I386\* D:\binaries.x86fre from a retail DVD.
1. Set the Signing Certificate
certmgr -add D:\NT\tools\testpca.cer -r localMachine -s ca
Run tools\checktestroot.cmd and checktestca.cmd
2. Setting Razzle
tools\razzle free offline or tools\razzle win64 amd64 free offline or for checked tools\razzle offline or tools\razzle win64 amd64 offline
Make a PROJECT_ROOT and a private directory and make one NT project tools\ntnewver.cmd is incomplete to complete it copy ntos, and the sdktools directory into a private directory. Bring in the sdk and ddk soureces into your private directory if you want and start with the 'Begin' project Any maybe the VS directory in the sdktools debuggers directory and make a new enlistment or NT Project. Next use the source depot templates to set up source depot.
Rename 'projects.map' in the tools directory to 'sd.map' and place in the root of the NT directory.
3. Build or find xcopy and findstr from the RTM DVD and place on path
4. Setting the Path:
path %path%;D:\NT\tools\perl\bin;D:\binaries.x86fre;D:\NT\tools\sp;D:\NT\tools\x86
set sdxroot=D:\NT
enlist projects ex: sdx enlist NT master com -c tools\ntnewver.cmd
\\%COMPUTERNAME%.main.x86.fre in BuildMachine.txt
We look in BuildMachines.txt for the machine name, branch, architecture,and build type. If we find a match, then we set OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE to the appropriate value ("primary" or "secondary") look for the the offical build machine client in sdktools->debuggers->vs->enlistment->sd.ini.txt.
perl xcopy2binplace.pl
You can compile the Lab 01 down to about 8 errors the rest of the Labs and Operating System shouldn't have any errors. You should have the research kernel to muck around with also from college, needing to comment out the Longhorn additions in revision 6000, files beginning with 'dp' are Longhorn files. The 'dp' files are not in the 'Longhorn' beta LDK they maybe in a IDW or internal developer workstation release if I can find one. Maybe look in Embedded 2009 for supported hardware and maybe learning what PCI hardware and coding the plug n' play to support in the NT Kernel. The PCI codes you can use now a days in 2024 is Linux and you might want to remove some of the cheap hardware.
- Lab01: Kernel
Copy the base\ntos directory and all of it's files to Lab01 it might be a virtual lab in source depot and it is a physical lab.
CD to base\busdrv\isapnp and use the message compiler to generate 'message.h'
Make pcicodes.h using the message compiler too. This file goes in base\busdrv\pci
build -cz
delobj.cmd to clean the source tree
Copy the NT\net directory to Lab02. The Network Stack or Lab will build without error in the Vitrual Lab. You might have issues in the Pysical Lab
build -cz
delobj.cmd to clean the source tree
Copy the Entire Server folder from nt5src.7z to Lab03
The entire Server build should build with about 20 shipping errors and take about 6 hrs for a free build and 12 hrs for a checked.
build -cz
delobj.cmd to clean the source tree
Copy NT\termsrv directory to Lab04. The Terminal Services Stack should build without error in the Virtual Lab. You might have issues in the Physical Lab.
build -cz
delobj.cmd to clean the source tree
However the Beta Wiki doesn't list a Lab 05 I believe it's either the SSCLI or the COM Stack. With the .NET Framework.
To build the SSCLI you need Visual Studio 2005 Professional or higher in a 2000 or 2003 Virtual Machine. And Active State Perl ActivePerl- or ActivePerl- for 64-Bit
extract the sscli20_20060311.tgz for 2.0 or 1.0 sscli_20021101.tgz sscli_ref_20021101.tgz and and Gyro Genetrics with 1.0 and execute env.bat at the root of the directory. To set the free or checked environment then execute buildall.cmd.
To build the COM stack run build -cz in the root of the COM directory or lab.
Copy NT\shell directory to Lab06. The UI Stack should build without error in the Virtual Lab. You might have issues in the Physical Lab. With the GNUmakfile
build -cz
delobj.cmd to clean the source tree
Copy NT\inetsrv directory to Lab07. The IIS Stack should build without error in the Virtual Lab. You might have issues in the Physical Lab.
build -cz
delobj.cmd to clean the source tree
build individual projects
in the directory of a makefile with build -cz
build the whole operating system
perl tools\timebuild.pl -NOCLEANBUILD -NOSYNC -NOSCORCHIf you want to wait 6 to 12 hours for a new clean build you'll type this:
build -cz
We only create boot floppy images on fre compressed i386 builds.
Generate the winnt32.msi for different SKUs
tools\postbuildscripts\cdimage.cmd -d Release
move delobj.cmd the the tools directory to the NT Root and clean the source tree by deleting all the object files. After the build.
Close Razzle Window run the VC7 vcvars32.bat from the VCBuilt share and set _NTTREE environment variable. Which is the binaries directory.
path %path%;D:\binaries.x86fre\bldtools
Copy the 'copyddkfiles.cmd' the the NT\base\ddk directory for the tools directory run:
copyddkfiles.cmd ddk_base.ini ddk D:\NT\base
It should begin to copy the ddk files you will need to edit the ddk, hal, IFS INI files to fit your kit needs.
You might want to learn how to make a service pack.
cd to D:\NT\tools\postbuildscripts\svcpack\ and open spcab.cmd and set the FILELIST CABNAME and EVENTNAME using the gold directory text files as a FILENAME
After the build run the post build batch file in the tools directory and read the error log you shouldn't get any errors in Windows XP/2003 Professional Edition.
certmgr.msc, go to Trusted Root Certification Authorities\Certificates and remove the Microsoft Test Root Authority certificate, Sign out and Sign in again. The 'For Testing Purposes' Watermark should now be removed.
It takes 6 hours to build a Free Build and 12 hrs a Checked.
After the build the Active Directory Migration Tools and Debugging Tools should be built. After the post build very edition and every supported language should be built. In the binaries directory the usa default build should be revision 6000 leading up to Windows Embedded 2009. After the Windows 6000 revision source build you might want to use the SLD files in the 'mantis' folder with XP embedded and make a Embedded Windows repository and engineer 2003 revision 6000 which was released in Embedded 2009. You can compile the Operating System down to about 16 errors needing to remove the Longhorn additions in revision 6000 maybe look in Embedded 2009 for supported hardware and maybe learning what PCI hardware and coding the plug n' play to support in the NT Kernel. The PCI codes you can use now a days in 2024 is Linux and you might want to remove some of the cheap hardware.
The Boot Process for XP/2003 is:
Use Bootsect to write MBR and boot sector.
bootsect /nt52. e:
NTLDR, Ntdetect.com, Ntbootdd.sys, Ntoskrnl.exe, hal.dll, smss.exe, winlogon.exe, Service Contol Manager SCM
In a free build the kernel may not build you may have to to use the Windows Research Kernel. Microsoft does not give you the source to WinLogon even in the SSLIP. It's named Winlogon.exe.lc
A build lab (or simply a lab) commonly refers to a Microsoft Windows source code branch. By extension, it can also refer to the team that works on this branch.
Microsoft has used multiple prefixes to refer to feature branches over time:
Setting up a Public Symbol Server
You can use the Symchk tool to check to see if the Symbol file is public or private.
Release branch prefixes
Mono is acedemic .NET Framework
Here are the Windows Build Instructions.
Similarly to the previous system, the main branch is forked off before release to contain update development. The following is the list of known prefixes:
You might want to install the Longhorn Driver Kit or LDK and SDK the Samples from the SDK or in the PDC 2003 Whideby DVD and the SDK Help. Here is a link to the 2003 PDCand PDC 2003 Whideby DVD
In the LDK Samples you might want to start a GIT Repo in the OS directory. Per kind of the Offical Windows Repo here:Microsoft.UI.Xaml v2.1.190405004.2in the Windows Porting Directory and here: You need a login.
git clone https://microsoft.visualstudio.com/os/_git/os
On Windows 10 you might was to install Scalar
VFS for Git: Git at Enterprise ScaleDownload the Windows API Code Pack extract it.Download it from my Sharepoint drive
You can read about the Windows API Code Pack from the Code Project here
Please refactor with Visual Studio 2017, 2019 on 10 or 2005 in the XP VM, the namespace 'Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack' to 'Microsoft.Windows'
Set up a Lab03_N a buffer lab with a "N' NOT A FINAL LAB. with the 7 IDW SDK, IDW DDK, .NET Framework 3.0 Reference Source, Symbols and Classic Samples. And it wont be a Final lab until we get more source from the KGB in Russia.
Or Install the 2008 SDK and WDK copy the 6.1 and sdk files to a Lab03_n and take note the the
7 samples directory is really your 'NT' directory
and compare both sdk and wdk with directories with windiff and carefully go through the samples and src directories and compare and recreate Lab03 save both setenv.bat files and name the apporiate files setenv.sdk and setenv.ddk.
After your done and you set the ddk environment. You can set up the VS Directory with SharpDevelop, The Common Compiler Infustructure, Dafney, .NET Framework 3.0 Reference Source,Symbols Windows API Code Pack, The Visual Studio Project System and Spec#.
Set up a Lab03_N with the Vista IDW SDK, IDW DDK and Classic Samples. Join USEINIX, and the ACM and try and find Vista Microsoft Research Papers.
Building Windows NT 4.0
Internal Developer Server or Workstation for Windows NT 4.0
Install on Windows NT 4.0, Back Office Suite or 2003 in a Virtual Machine.
Install the Windows NT 4.0 DDK. You may have to look for a IDW DDK RC Release.
Install the Windows NT 4.0 SDK.
Install Visual C++ 4.0 w/ MFC Migration Kit.,
Copy the DDK, MSTOOLS, and MSDEV directory's to the build drive.
Use the CAB SDK to make a cabinet file of the Leaked ZIP to make a CD+R of the Cabinet. If you are using NT 4.0 use expand.exe to extract the NT source to its location.
Extract the NT.CAB or cabinet file containing full Windows NT 4.0 source in it.
Place the NT Root in the root SDK Directory.
Install the Windows NT 4.0 DDK.
Install the Windows NT 4.0 SDK.
Install Visual C++ 4.0 w/ MFC MIgration Kit.
Copy the MSDEV, DDK, And PlatformSDK directory's to the Build drive and rename the DDK to 'IDWNT4'
set Path=D:\NT40\MSDEV\bin;D:\NT40\IDWNT4\bin;%path%
set Lib=D:\NT40\MSDEV\lib;D:\NT40\MSTOOLS\lib;%lib%
set Include=D:\NT40\MSDEV\include;D:\NT40\NT\public\sdk\inc; D:\NT40\NT\private\inc;%include%
edit VCVARS32 to set MSDevDir=D:\NT40\MSDEV set vcsource=D:\NT40\MSDEV
cd D:\NT40\IDWNT4\bin
run D:\NT40\IDWNT4\bin\setenv.bat D:\NT40\IDWNT4
build -cz to build the DDK
run razzle.cmd with the 'main' 'hotfix_checked' or 'hotfix_free' argument
In razzle set the _NTDRIVE and the apporiate paths
You can build just a section of NT using B1, B2 or B3 on the command line. B1 builds from NT\Private. B2 builds SDKTools and Utils. B3 builds Setup, Posix, MVDM, WinDbg, and OS2.
D:\NT40\NT\private\bldtools\buildall.cmd B1